Congratulations on your unconditional sale! The next steps you need to take are as follows:
o ID & PROOF OF ADDRESS. If you have not done so already, please provide us with your verified ID and proof of address as previously requested.
o SIGN FORMS. You will need to sign a form prior to settlement which enables us to transfer the property on settlement. This form is called an ‘Authority and Instruction Form’ (A & I Form). Your signature on this form must be witnessed by a solicitor or justice of the peace. We will contact you again to make arrangements for signing once this form is prepared.
o COUNCIL RATES. We will ensure the Council rates are apportioned correctly on settlement so that you have paid the rates up to settlement and the purchaser will pay going forward, and we will notify the Council of the change of ownership. If the property has a water meter, we will also notify the water authority of the change of ownership. You do not need to contact the Council or the water authority, and we recommend that you do not make any further land rates payments before settlement.
o UTILITIES. You need to make arrangements for your power and phones to be cancelled or transferred. You will also need to notify your house insurer of the sale, however, please ensure the insurance is not cancelled until after settlement has occurred. You are responsible for the house until it has settled, even if settlement is delayed for any reason.
o DEPOSIT SLIP. Please email us a deposit slip, or pre-printed bank statement showing your bank account details where you would like the proceeds of sale to be paid following settlement.
There is certain information that we need you to confirm to us so that we can prepare the necessary documents as per below as soon as possible. The easiest way for you to confirm these details to us is to complete the “My Information” form here.